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    Human rights

    It is possible to dismiss formalities in an adoption lawsuit if the long-standing factual circumstances safeguard the best interest of the child. 

    Upload date: April 03, 2024
  • 2

    Human rights

    The acquisiton of dual citizenship can justify the change of a person's name. 

    Upload date: March 07, 2024
  • 3

    Human rights

    It is possible to limit the monthly loan installments to 30% of the value of the person's continuous cash benefit. 

    Upload date: March 07, 2024
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    Human rights

    It is possible to revert to one's birth name following widowhood.

    Upload date: March 07, 2024
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    The lease guarantee must be restrictively interpreted, so that the lease guarantors are liable only for what they expressly agreed upon in the original agreement.  

    Upload date: March 06, 2024
  • 6

    Human rights

    The right to be forgotten is not applicable to the Brazilian legal system. 

    Upload date: March 06, 2024
  • 7

    Human rights

    The fact that the insured had no valid driver's license is not sufficient to deny a claim for death benefit due to a fatal road traffic accident. 

    Upload date: March 06, 2024
  • 8

    Human rights

    It is possible to grant the surviving partner of an unmarried partnership the right to continue living on the property that was their residence in case that it belonged only to the decedent. 

    Upload date: March 06, 2024
  • 9

    Human rights

    It is not possible to grant compensation for the paramour for domestic services rendered throughout the relationship with an already married person.

    Upload date: March 06, 2024
  • 10

    Human rights

    The existence of other properties in the surviving unmarried partner's patrimony does not prevent the recognition of right to live in the property. 

    Upload date: March 06, 2024